Monday, July 28, 2008

Blogskin for the Third Time

I don't think I will be posting Sleight of hand and Sight of hand anymore. What I wanted to say was that I had Three rounds of golf (yet again) at Jurong Executive Golf Course and at least I kept my score down. AND the new Artemis Fowl book has been released, about 2 weeks ago. It's called: Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox. I know, to many, it may be a fantasy and childish story to you but I personally find this book very intriguing AND a little ~fantasizing~ as I only found out that this book was an interesting read when I was in Primary Six while my counterparts discovered it about, say... 2 years ago. "A ~Bit~ the ~Slow~ ahh..." 

Of course, the main purpose of this post is that I know, I changed my blogskin, and my profile and links and tagboard is completely screwed, and yak blah. However, I will (and hope) to get this up and running as soon as possible (like maybe this weekend) and change my blogskin to a ~Nicer~ version of Toushirou. If you know who that is. And when I get my tagboard running, ~Orange owns Green~ can post there on how much Hitsugaya is very much the lousiest captain of the 13 Gotei. And SY too.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Now, I know someone is impersonating me on the class blog, and it's very funny about me and Alex C and everything. HOWEVER, (and I think you should know this as well) this action may cause severe hurt and injury to the person whom you are attacking and may ultimately result in mental illness, stroke, heart attack and eventually death. So, in order to prevent such uneccessary accidents from happening, please do stop that. Fortunately, I'm not the kind who gets pissed off at these things, AND I don't want to this case to result in the massive email spamming argument between you know who the last time this happened. "By the way, do you know where I got this scar?" - quoted from Joker (he said it 3 times) in The Dark Knight, the only Batman movie which does not have "Batman" in its name. 

Next post: Sleight of Hand, Sight of Hand, and the Blogskin again

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ni-ce Lemak and the Blogskin

The other day I went to punggol Nasi Lemak to eat. Not that I didn't have any excuse not to eat, I practically lived at a walking distance from it for more than 7 years and didn't know it until one of my friends mum wanted to buy it for us. Then I asked MY mum where it was, and she showed me when we were returning home. Right outside our house. Famous Nasi Lemak, and I never knew it.
Anyway, last week we went there on my maiden feast there, and then there was this dragon outside the stall. I thought it was until my parents joined it. I was too xianzzz~ so I played Guitar Heoes 3 on my handphone for half and hour (by the way yong, i got all the picks except the 150k one. the closest i got was 149980 ~suaning~ you). When the food arrived, I took a small bite out of every ingredient and it felt like... go try it yourself if you want to know. I mean, you could literally eat plain nasi lemak rice for dinner. And the chicken... ooh, darn tender and crispy. Never better than KFC though :D Another half hour later, when we decided to hit the sack (the truth is return home to see Sunday Prime Movie: Spider man 2), the dragon was still there. Probably it was camping there or something. Who knows?
AND can someone tell me how to change my blogskin? Leave a tag. Cause I'm getting sick of this one, and I have a sick bucket right beside me now.