Monday, July 28, 2008

Blogskin for the Third Time

I don't think I will be posting Sleight of hand and Sight of hand anymore. What I wanted to say was that I had Three rounds of golf (yet again) at Jurong Executive Golf Course and at least I kept my score down. AND the new Artemis Fowl book has been released, about 2 weeks ago. It's called: Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox. I know, to many, it may be a fantasy and childish story to you but I personally find this book very intriguing AND a little ~fantasizing~ as I only found out that this book was an interesting read when I was in Primary Six while my counterparts discovered it about, say... 2 years ago. "A ~Bit~ the ~Slow~ ahh..." 

Of course, the main purpose of this post is that I know, I changed my blogskin, and my profile and links and tagboard is completely screwed, and yak blah. However, I will (and hope) to get this up and running as soon as possible (like maybe this weekend) and change my blogskin to a ~Nicer~ version of Toushirou. If you know who that is. And when I get my tagboard running, ~Orange owns Green~ can post there on how much Hitsugaya is very much the lousiest captain of the 13 Gotei. And SY too.

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