Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ni-ce Lemak and the Blogskin

The other day I went to punggol Nasi Lemak to eat. Not that I didn't have any excuse not to eat, I practically lived at a walking distance from it for more than 7 years and didn't know it until one of my friends mum wanted to buy it for us. Then I asked MY mum where it was, and she showed me when we were returning home. Right outside our house. Famous Nasi Lemak, and I never knew it.
Anyway, last week we went there on my maiden feast there, and then there was this dragon outside the stall. I thought it was until my parents joined it. I was too xianzzz~ so I played Guitar Heoes 3 on my handphone for half and hour (by the way yong, i got all the picks except the 150k one. the closest i got was 149980 ~suaning~ you). When the food arrived, I took a small bite out of every ingredient and it felt like... go try it yourself if you want to know. I mean, you could literally eat plain nasi lemak rice for dinner. And the chicken... ooh, darn tender and crispy. Never better than KFC though :D Another half hour later, when we decided to hit the sack (the truth is return home to see Sunday Prime Movie: Spider man 2), the dragon was still there. Probably it was camping there or something. Who knows?
AND can someone tell me how to change my blogskin? Leave a tag. Cause I'm getting sick of this one, and I have a sick bucket right beside me now.

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