Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I'm not going to say what you all already know. They are finally OVER! Dammit. Finally I get to play DotA, and its quite... FUN. Today's House Carnival was really screwed up. I got sub'ed 3 times. THREE TIMES, and i'm one of the three people in our house who can actually play hockey. And they let some f*gg**t son of a ****** get the stick and play like some idiot. How's dribbling behind your back fun eh? Oh lookie, I can dribble behind my back! Then I hit my legs, and I kick it cos it thought it's like soccer! Freggin people. A bit the smart la. Any way, I finally experience the Furweeeedurm, of fun , and especially of speech. Look who's always right!

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