Wednesday, October 15, 2008


For the past one month, people stopped blogging, crazy things happened in class (which will may decrease insulin levels of some people) and exams are here. Mugging is wrong, and it is also vulgar, inappropriate and schewpeed. We must all study for the benefit of our well being and stop  getting affected by a present source of radiation. 
Many agree that this source is starting from a new element called Weetahdeeurm. This element is element number 111, and for an unknown reason nature skipped creating element 1-10 to create 1-11. This replaces unununium, or whateva sheet. It is known to have very few nerve cells, no sorry, neurons, no actually neutrons. yah. and it has 1 proton in the pea sized nucleus and 111 electrons moving at an astonishingly slow processing and thinking speed. It is the largest atom of all, which probably takes up a space of what just fits into the human skull. It is highly radiative, and gives off element 110, which some people dubbed "Schewpeedeeurm". It has a half life of 40 years, and it will completely destroy itself at 80 years, which is suprisingly the lifetime of a human. Some Weetahdeeurm molecules are known to self-destruct at 13 years, however. It is still unknown where else it can be found, but if you see this large atom anywhere around, it has the tendency to displace all of the atoms within 11 feet range, killing 1111111111 skin cells as well. Please take precaution.

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