Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hi friend, let's PLAY>:D

Yesterday morning (didn't have time to post this yesterday, sry) I had a friendly hockey match with our 'friends' from East View Secondary. I woke up early in the morning, my parents drove to me to Temasek Polytechnic. Singapore really isn't a small place, nor did it have enough sign boards either. I mean, to reach Temasek Poly, I had to exit CTE and enter PIE, but then the **** sign board told us to "KEEP TO THE LEFT TO EXIT TO PIE". Very helpful, if it had not been put smack dot in front of the road split. So, we drove on down the CTE, down to ECP (East Coast something) and out to Marine Parade. There, we got lost for what seemed like eternity (half hour) and consulted our dear companion the street directory who is very helpful in confusing us and boggling our minds like popcorn in an oven. Finally (since Mother Luck was on our side, thanks mother luck for NOT being on our side for the past 30 minutes), we got back to PIE. AND, we got down at Tampines. Of course, that wasn't the brightest idea our dear street directory gave us since Temasek Poly was NEARER Bedok Reservoir which HAD its own exit out of PIE! Therefore, we got lost in Tampines for another eternity (25mins) and eventually found our way to Temasek Poly. Then we saw that the PIE Bedok Reservoir Exit was right smack poop dot ding beside the Poly. Of course you wouldn't want to know what happened to the street directory after that.

Back to the real game, of course, I came late and the match started, so I padded up (put on shin pads for those who don't know) and got on the turf. This was my first time playing forward though (striker). What's bad is that ALL our opponents are girls and our own coach (hooray for life) and I lost four balls to the OUT zone. Yep, I was scared of one... larger-in-size girl that stood in my way all the time. After half-time, I went back to the pitch and told myself (believe me, self-talking helps) that I couldn't lose to some ****girl who is **** than me or I would be **** out so stop ******* around and start ******* play like a ****! So eventually, I pushed the girl around and got the ball which I then passed into the Striking area (the D) which I then lost to ANOTHER girl. Whoopee.

Anyway, we won 3-2 goalkeeper-less and were told that this... larger-in-size girls were Sec 1's who have been playing for only 3 weeks. Great, humiliating news. Wonderful. After the match itself I went to SOMEONE's house to complete my History project. NOPE, it's not done yet, but it's on its way! Oh, and those out there, don't you dare play soccer on the astroturf in school or you're ******* ****! I thank you for your co-operation and hope to see you again. Goodbye!

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