Saturday, August 30, 2008

Biotechnical Bubblewrap

Part (II): Swimming and the Biotech Fair

I woke up in the morning and realised that I had screwed up my ankle yesterday and might as well live on with it. It was raining, all right. Yeah, there will therefore be no assembly to due the overcast weather which may result in precipitation with the consequence of viruses entering our bodies. Whatever, there ain't no assembly. The moment I got into class I tried not to move around too much 'cos the bump in my shoe keeps **** my ankle around and its friggin pain. So when pokey came I pretty much GTAed the rest of the assembly away. I dont remember singing the National Anthem. I doubt they even played it. Anyway, Timmy came in and (as usual) told us some "administrative matters". Just then, the rain stopped. Right...

Next period was swimming so the water was friggin cold and I got in later than everyone else for I-cant-remember-what reason. Therefore I was the ONLY one not able to complete the endurance swimming. With less than 10m to completion. I hate Thursdays.

The Biotech fair was (severely) boring. Joseph dumped us in this big lecture theatre with lots of students from other schools. The first lecturer was really boring I almost fell asleep. The second one was completely money-minded and kept telling us how he was going to make his first billion (Australian I think) bucks. By then I gotten used to my screwed up ankle. So, Kevan and I went downstairs with the others (with exception of Seok and DT who convenintly went to the toilet) and queued up for food. On the way home, Clarence brought his bubblewrap so we mindlessly started popping it. From the trip, I learned that one RI student would take lim n tends to infinity time to pop 1m squared area of bubblewrap

Friday, August 29, 2008

Biotechincal Bubblewrap, Training and Teacher's day

Lots of stuff to post today, so I'll break them down into parts.

(I) Training

This was on Wednesday, and I fairly enjoyed the no-third-language-slacking feeling on Tuesday, so I had to (sadly) dismiss that feeling and head to training today (correction: that day). After I came to school I realised that Alex was for the second time coming for training with us. All our teammates were like, concerned about his absence for the past 2 weeks or so. Therefore, our whole hockey team were practically celebrating. COACH WASN"T HERE XD, so we practically slacked throughout most of the training. There was a puddle of water at the edge of the astroturf (cos it just rained) and we were spraying it at each other. After training, we were playing with the water at the turf until some random guy decided he had nothing to do, so he whacked my ankle with his stick and another guy went to tau pok me for no apparent reason. Chan enjoyed the training though, despite his SENIORS coming in to ka jiao him a bit here and there. Man, if coach saw that, RV will be closed forever. Anyway I hurt my ankle and felt like I sprained it for the rest of Thursday. But that will be part (II).

Monday, August 25, 2008

Mondays and Science

The minute I came to school today (which was about 6:50) I spammed file my Science file, as I thought that there was science today as it was an even week. Yep. So I went around doing my job until some guy (remind me who he is) at exactly 7:11 which was 5 mins before assembly, told me that there was no science today. I COULD HAVE SPEND THE MORNING SLAKCING. So that really pisses me off. 

The day went pass smoothly without science, obviously, and then we had training. It was really fun; just simply because while doing drills, some idiotic people started acting silly and our coach ask him to run around the field 3 rounds. As in the edge of the field. Unfortunately, the poor guy did not here the "3 rounds" so he did like, 7 rounds before coach suddenly realised something was wrong and called him in. After that my teammate got a severe scolding. Whoa. 

Sunday, August 24, 2008

One Teacher, One Student, One damned seating arrangement

Yes, we all know that our CCT's are over, and that we have once again changed our seating arrangement. Apparently, as you all know, it started with a bird and a duck. Which then escalated into a walao and this is the consequence. This is probably due to the fact that we have a comination of a hard-of-hearing teacher, another gullible and (adjective start with "g") teacher, and a homosuicidal student. Ok, you see, the latter would be much happier when he is put with others the same type as him, we would be happier without a burden on our shoulders, and also, the teachers would be happier without needing to care for him (or her). The only person it doesn't benefit is a specific girl who specifically likes him who specifically isnt invited to my blog.
-"I would want to end the year on a happy note" as quoted from anonymous. We can't be happy, dumbo.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Korean, The Mac and the Common Classic Time-waster

Yup, dear Kim asked me to post here because my blog is "dying". You really should study more on patterns, cause if you haven't noticed, I post about once every week. So as to suan him, I shall tell him that I am posting this on my mac. AND he doesn't want to help me torrent Keynote. What a drag...
Anyway, Kevan, chan chan and DT came over on Monday to so called "do the physics project". Which we did. I mean, I finished the data collecting, DT and chan finished the box and Kevan did the report. Basically after that half the day was spent on Com Games, DOTA or PSP. Apparently. At least we have one project almost over and done with... Then again, the last week (and next week too) is going to be CCT week, which means Common Classic Time-waster spent on mugging to attain a good GPA and probably trash the CHICKen too. Probably the only fun about CCTs would be the latter. Yeah.
So everyone, don't worry. Just leave a tag if you want to be linked and I will link you probably in 3 days time. Provided someone teaches me how to.
Yesterday was the the Olympics 100m finals, like, guess who won. It's so straight, I mean, of course the lightning BOLT would win. And today he's running the 200m finals. He would be "so much ahead of other people that he would have enough time to sign an autograph in between" quoted from the ST. He gave up at the 80m mark yesterday and decided it was already time to celebrate. Which made him slow down and YET he still broke the world record. If he hadn't raised his hand and turned his head to face the crowd, or punched his fist against his hard LIKE A REAL JAMAICAN MAN, the record would have been like, 9.62 or something, instead of 9.69. Anyway, a REAL lightning bolt travels at around 60k meters per second. quite a big difference.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Olympics vs NDP 08

Fine, I lied about "posting tomorrow".Whatever. Anyway, Friday was half-screwed, due to ConnectSingapore event that required most of the devoted students of Singapore line up on a road pavement and holding hands whilst celebrating the Singapore spirit. THAT was what THEY hoped for. Apparently we don't feel the same. That day just so happened to be scorching hot, and it just so happened that we have to stand UNDER the sun cheering for 2 hours NIA~. AND it just so happened that we had to stay at Marymount road for ANOTHER 2 hours NIA~. I guess we can all agree that 4 hours isn't alot, ISN'T IT. At least what came out of it was our New and Improved Mongolian Class Dance. Even Mr Tan enjoyed it. Yeah.
12 hours later and I sit by the couch watching the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceromony. Not a bad show, I would say with all the aesthetic China songs and meaningless fireworks shooting into the air. I mean, aren't the fireworks supposed to form a pattern? Anyway, I was watching all these while the REAL devoted citizens were counting down to NDP 08. And the Mediacorp Artistes leading the countdown must feel really sad to miss the Olympics opening ceremony. I AM SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF EVERYONE HERE!
NDP 08, need I say more. Not to offend anyone, the Black Knights show was a little ~nice~. Halfway through and I thought I would be better off watching Phelps winning the gold medal.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Finally I managed to change my blogskin. I'll add the cbox tomorrow. So if someone is ever so kind enough to drop a tag on how to change blogskin, I will greatly appreciate his help.

Anyway, Alex and Ben have decided to join Hockey, (from RV and BB respec.) and are currently like training for the trials. FORTUNATELY kind old Sir allowed us to borrow a few hockey sticks for the day, so I was able to, well, not really coach them-guide maybe, for the trials. I really hope they get in, that'll make hockey 3 times more fun.

Today I found this really cool website that shows which Espada you are most similar to. Ya, so that's about it. I'll post more about National Day celebs tmr