Saturday, November 15, 2008

Puny post

I promised some people I would post today (which is my B'day YEAH) so i did. BUT the real longish post comes tomorrow. Peenkie Pwomeese!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I'm not going to say what you all already know. They are finally OVER! Dammit. Finally I get to play DotA, and its quite... FUN. Today's House Carnival was really screwed up. I got sub'ed 3 times. THREE TIMES, and i'm one of the three people in our house who can actually play hockey. And they let some f*gg**t son of a ****** get the stick and play like some idiot. How's dribbling behind your back fun eh? Oh lookie, I can dribble behind my back! Then I hit my legs, and I kick it cos it thought it's like soccer! Freggin people. A bit the smart la. Any way, I finally experience the Furweeeedurm, of fun , and especially of speech. Look who's always right!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

"You're filthy, You're disgusting, and absolutely nauseating"

1) This is a quote from our dear friend, Mike Rowe who loves the dirty jobs. WHO THE HECK DOESN'T KNOW THAT.

2) The most filthy, disgusting and absolutely nauseating episode of Dirty Jobs is Leather Tanner on Season 5.

3) The most explosive episode of Mythbusters is the Hidenburg Explosion Myth.

4) The world is just awesome.

5) I love the mountains, the clear blue sky, big bridges, great whites fly, the whole world, the sights and sounds, the ocean, real dirty things, going fast, egyptian kings, the whole world, all its craziness, tornadoes, arachnids, hot magma, giant squids, the whole world, and its brilliance, and Stephen Hawking, the skydiver, the 2 astronauts and BOOM DE YADA


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

2 post in a day

This is me second post of ze day. Whateva

If you did not understand any part of the joke below, AND you have encountered Weetahdeeurm, then you are likely to be infected by Weetahdeeuris, a disease caused by Weetahdeeurm. On a second note beware of any signs and keep 7 feet away (as the source may move 1 foot per second) at any point of time. 



P.S. This post and the last post are talking complete rubbish and randomness. Any resemblance to reality or real life objects are entirely and completely coincidental, as well as vulgar, inappropriate and stupid. Thank you for your attention. Non-random stuff coming up on Monday.


For the past one month, people stopped blogging, crazy things happened in class (which will may decrease insulin levels of some people) and exams are here. Mugging is wrong, and it is also vulgar, inappropriate and schewpeed. We must all study for the benefit of our well being and stop  getting affected by a present source of radiation. 
Many agree that this source is starting from a new element called Weetahdeeurm. This element is element number 111, and for an unknown reason nature skipped creating element 1-10 to create 1-11. This replaces unununium, or whateva sheet. It is known to have very few nerve cells, no sorry, neurons, no actually neutrons. yah. and it has 1 proton in the pea sized nucleus and 111 electrons moving at an astonishingly slow processing and thinking speed. It is the largest atom of all, which probably takes up a space of what just fits into the human skull. It is highly radiative, and gives off element 110, which some people dubbed "Schewpeedeeurm". It has a half life of 40 years, and it will completely destroy itself at 80 years, which is suprisingly the lifetime of a human. Some Weetahdeeurm molecules are known to self-destruct at 13 years, however. It is still unknown where else it can be found, but if you see this large atom anywhere around, it has the tendency to displace all of the atoms within 11 feet range, killing 1111111111 skin cells as well. Please take precaution.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Singapore... its a Cheena province rite?

Before the Grawn Pree, thats what all the ang mo's say. Singapore is so small, the ratio is almost comparable to: ant:Singapore = Singapore:World.  So the Grawn Pree has just passed half hour ago, and I don't really know what to say... Ferrari was really screwed up this time with Raikkonen and Massa like, losing out. Thanks to some bearsturd who turned on the green light to soon Massa left with his fuel pipe still on his bliddy car. I'm supposed to muggin right now, so I'll post again soon hopefully. XD

P.S. If yer cant read, Grawn Pree is Grand Prix is F1 finals

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sorry Part (III) took too long...

Part (III)

Teachers' Day on Friday! I got up extra early and got to school at the same time. Therefore I could have saved a few minutes of sleeping time. Anyway, for once Min Seok came in BEFORE assembly bell sounded and he brought his hisPhone along. Saw it, touched it, so I stayed out of the commotion when everyone went to taupok him. Teachers' Day logo was a complete rip off from heroes. Perhaps Captain Underwear or Boxer Boy ( I cant remember their names) just found out you can add "oe" at the end of Teachers to make it teacHEROES. After that, they teachers played a few games with the backstagers and they won by a very fair stand indeed. So fair, they're transparent.

After the whole thing, I gathered up with some of my ex-Rosythian schoolmates (including Ice) and we went over to J8 to eat lunch. Too bad Alex couldn't come along 'cos he was going with his b'ball friend back. We called up our schoolmates back at Hwa Chong and we went to watch WALL + E. Took up lots of time, so we went back to visit Rosyth a little late. Turned out that there were already HORDES of students (ex) there waiting, so we cope-ed a place at the fitness corner (which our principal PROMISED to change to a playground. Apparently not) and threw ourselves off the beam-balance like sticks on a... long stick. Never mind. Throughout the whole playing our principal (ex) kept screaming that she would somehow get the teachers down to meet us. At the end of it all (2 hours, which was just a little shorter thatn Wall.e) she dismissed us all WITHOUT us meeting our teachers. The only other reason I could find to go back THERE is to eat the mint chocolate chip ice cream of which I ate 2 bars that day. 'Cos I had to cool myself down after getting pissed off by that principal. NO OFFENCE!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Part (II) Cont.

Part (II) Cont.

I realised that I missed out one highly important fact on Thursday. Physics Teacher taught us for the last time and decided to bring us to the spanking cool new cool lab (which has an emergency shower in it, btw). He tested all our boxes and that left him a bit the busy, so our table (the restless ones) started to table-tennis over the whole portion of the lab located the NEAREST to the glass cabinets and DIRECTLY in view of the staff room. We aint givin any **** about it. I (in a highly futile attempt) tried to juggle the weightless pingpong ball but ended up saving it before it reached the floor and scraped my knee on the spanking uncool new uncool and SHARP floortiles. So throughout the ART lesson I sat with a make-shift bandage on my knee. It WAS necessary (THE WORD I SPELT WRONGLY FOR MY ENGLISH COMPREHENSION AND WAS DEDUCTED OF ONE MARK!!! SHEESH!) 'cos the blood kept coming out like never before and I couldn't leave my hand there for like forever, unless I chop my hand out which would result in MORE blood...

P.S I really hate Thursdays. Don't know why XD

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Biotechnical Bubblewrap

Part (II): Swimming and the Biotech Fair

I woke up in the morning and realised that I had screwed up my ankle yesterday and might as well live on with it. It was raining, all right. Yeah, there will therefore be no assembly to due the overcast weather which may result in precipitation with the consequence of viruses entering our bodies. Whatever, there ain't no assembly. The moment I got into class I tried not to move around too much 'cos the bump in my shoe keeps **** my ankle around and its friggin pain. So when pokey came I pretty much GTAed the rest of the assembly away. I dont remember singing the National Anthem. I doubt they even played it. Anyway, Timmy came in and (as usual) told us some "administrative matters". Just then, the rain stopped. Right...

Next period was swimming so the water was friggin cold and I got in later than everyone else for I-cant-remember-what reason. Therefore I was the ONLY one not able to complete the endurance swimming. With less than 10m to completion. I hate Thursdays.

The Biotech fair was (severely) boring. Joseph dumped us in this big lecture theatre with lots of students from other schools. The first lecturer was really boring I almost fell asleep. The second one was completely money-minded and kept telling us how he was going to make his first billion (Australian I think) bucks. By then I gotten used to my screwed up ankle. So, Kevan and I went downstairs with the others (with exception of Seok and DT who convenintly went to the toilet) and queued up for food. On the way home, Clarence brought his bubblewrap so we mindlessly started popping it. From the trip, I learned that one RI student would take lim n tends to infinity time to pop 1m squared area of bubblewrap

Friday, August 29, 2008

Biotechincal Bubblewrap, Training and Teacher's day

Lots of stuff to post today, so I'll break them down into parts.

(I) Training

This was on Wednesday, and I fairly enjoyed the no-third-language-slacking feeling on Tuesday, so I had to (sadly) dismiss that feeling and head to training today (correction: that day). After I came to school I realised that Alex was for the second time coming for training with us. All our teammates were like, concerned about his absence for the past 2 weeks or so. Therefore, our whole hockey team were practically celebrating. COACH WASN"T HERE XD, so we practically slacked throughout most of the training. There was a puddle of water at the edge of the astroturf (cos it just rained) and we were spraying it at each other. After training, we were playing with the water at the turf until some random guy decided he had nothing to do, so he whacked my ankle with his stick and another guy went to tau pok me for no apparent reason. Chan enjoyed the training though, despite his SENIORS coming in to ka jiao him a bit here and there. Man, if coach saw that, RV will be closed forever. Anyway I hurt my ankle and felt like I sprained it for the rest of Thursday. But that will be part (II).

Monday, August 25, 2008

Mondays and Science

The minute I came to school today (which was about 6:50) I spammed file my Science file, as I thought that there was science today as it was an even week. Yep. So I went around doing my job until some guy (remind me who he is) at exactly 7:11 which was 5 mins before assembly, told me that there was no science today. I COULD HAVE SPEND THE MORNING SLAKCING. So that really pisses me off. 

The day went pass smoothly without science, obviously, and then we had training. It was really fun; just simply because while doing drills, some idiotic people started acting silly and our coach ask him to run around the field 3 rounds. As in the edge of the field. Unfortunately, the poor guy did not here the "3 rounds" so he did like, 7 rounds before coach suddenly realised something was wrong and called him in. After that my teammate got a severe scolding. Whoa. 

Sunday, August 24, 2008

One Teacher, One Student, One damned seating arrangement

Yes, we all know that our CCT's are over, and that we have once again changed our seating arrangement. Apparently, as you all know, it started with a bird and a duck. Which then escalated into a walao and this is the consequence. This is probably due to the fact that we have a comination of a hard-of-hearing teacher, another gullible and (adjective start with "g") teacher, and a homosuicidal student. Ok, you see, the latter would be much happier when he is put with others the same type as him, we would be happier without a burden on our shoulders, and also, the teachers would be happier without needing to care for him (or her). The only person it doesn't benefit is a specific girl who specifically likes him who specifically isnt invited to my blog.
-"I would want to end the year on a happy note" as quoted from anonymous. We can't be happy, dumbo.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Korean, The Mac and the Common Classic Time-waster

Yup, dear Kim asked me to post here because my blog is "dying". You really should study more on patterns, cause if you haven't noticed, I post about once every week. So as to suan him, I shall tell him that I am posting this on my mac. AND he doesn't want to help me torrent Keynote. What a drag...
Anyway, Kevan, chan chan and DT came over on Monday to so called "do the physics project". Which we did. I mean, I finished the data collecting, DT and chan finished the box and Kevan did the report. Basically after that half the day was spent on Com Games, DOTA or PSP. Apparently. At least we have one project almost over and done with... Then again, the last week (and next week too) is going to be CCT week, which means Common Classic Time-waster spent on mugging to attain a good GPA and probably trash the CHICKen too. Probably the only fun about CCTs would be the latter. Yeah.
So everyone, don't worry. Just leave a tag if you want to be linked and I will link you probably in 3 days time. Provided someone teaches me how to.
Yesterday was the the Olympics 100m finals, like, guess who won. It's so straight, I mean, of course the lightning BOLT would win. And today he's running the 200m finals. He would be "so much ahead of other people that he would have enough time to sign an autograph in between" quoted from the ST. He gave up at the 80m mark yesterday and decided it was already time to celebrate. Which made him slow down and YET he still broke the world record. If he hadn't raised his hand and turned his head to face the crowd, or punched his fist against his hard LIKE A REAL JAMAICAN MAN, the record would have been like, 9.62 or something, instead of 9.69. Anyway, a REAL lightning bolt travels at around 60k meters per second. quite a big difference.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Olympics vs NDP 08

Fine, I lied about "posting tomorrow".Whatever. Anyway, Friday was half-screwed, due to ConnectSingapore event that required most of the devoted students of Singapore line up on a road pavement and holding hands whilst celebrating the Singapore spirit. THAT was what THEY hoped for. Apparently we don't feel the same. That day just so happened to be scorching hot, and it just so happened that we have to stand UNDER the sun cheering for 2 hours NIA~. AND it just so happened that we had to stay at Marymount road for ANOTHER 2 hours NIA~. I guess we can all agree that 4 hours isn't alot, ISN'T IT. At least what came out of it was our New and Improved Mongolian Class Dance. Even Mr Tan enjoyed it. Yeah.
12 hours later and I sit by the couch watching the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceromony. Not a bad show, I would say with all the aesthetic China songs and meaningless fireworks shooting into the air. I mean, aren't the fireworks supposed to form a pattern? Anyway, I was watching all these while the REAL devoted citizens were counting down to NDP 08. And the Mediacorp Artistes leading the countdown must feel really sad to miss the Olympics opening ceremony. I AM SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF EVERYONE HERE!
NDP 08, need I say more. Not to offend anyone, the Black Knights show was a little ~nice~. Halfway through and I thought I would be better off watching Phelps winning the gold medal.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Finally I managed to change my blogskin. I'll add the cbox tomorrow. So if someone is ever so kind enough to drop a tag on how to change blogskin, I will greatly appreciate his help.

Anyway, Alex and Ben have decided to join Hockey, (from RV and BB respec.) and are currently like training for the trials. FORTUNATELY kind old Sir allowed us to borrow a few hockey sticks for the day, so I was able to, well, not really coach them-guide maybe, for the trials. I really hope they get in, that'll make hockey 3 times more fun.

Today I found this really cool website that shows which Espada you are most similar to. Ya, so that's about it. I'll post more about National Day celebs tmr

Monday, July 28, 2008

Blogskin for the Third Time

I don't think I will be posting Sleight of hand and Sight of hand anymore. What I wanted to say was that I had Three rounds of golf (yet again) at Jurong Executive Golf Course and at least I kept my score down. AND the new Artemis Fowl book has been released, about 2 weeks ago. It's called: Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox. I know, to many, it may be a fantasy and childish story to you but I personally find this book very intriguing AND a little ~fantasizing~ as I only found out that this book was an interesting read when I was in Primary Six while my counterparts discovered it about, say... 2 years ago. "A ~Bit~ the ~Slow~ ahh..." 

Of course, the main purpose of this post is that I know, I changed my blogskin, and my profile and links and tagboard is completely screwed, and yak blah. However, I will (and hope) to get this up and running as soon as possible (like maybe this weekend) and change my blogskin to a ~Nicer~ version of Toushirou. If you know who that is. And when I get my tagboard running, ~Orange owns Green~ can post there on how much Hitsugaya is very much the lousiest captain of the 13 Gotei. And SY too.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Now, I know someone is impersonating me on the class blog, and it's very funny about me and Alex C and everything. HOWEVER, (and I think you should know this as well) this action may cause severe hurt and injury to the person whom you are attacking and may ultimately result in mental illness, stroke, heart attack and eventually death. So, in order to prevent such uneccessary accidents from happening, please do stop that. Fortunately, I'm not the kind who gets pissed off at these things, AND I don't want to this case to result in the massive email spamming argument between you know who the last time this happened. "By the way, do you know where I got this scar?" - quoted from Joker (he said it 3 times) in The Dark Knight, the only Batman movie which does not have "Batman" in its name. 

Next post: Sleight of Hand, Sight of Hand, and the Blogskin again

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ni-ce Lemak and the Blogskin

The other day I went to punggol Nasi Lemak to eat. Not that I didn't have any excuse not to eat, I practically lived at a walking distance from it for more than 7 years and didn't know it until one of my friends mum wanted to buy it for us. Then I asked MY mum where it was, and she showed me when we were returning home. Right outside our house. Famous Nasi Lemak, and I never knew it.
Anyway, last week we went there on my maiden feast there, and then there was this dragon outside the stall. I thought it was until my parents joined it. I was too xianzzz~ so I played Guitar Heoes 3 on my handphone for half and hour (by the way yong, i got all the picks except the 150k one. the closest i got was 149980 ~suaning~ you). When the food arrived, I took a small bite out of every ingredient and it felt like... go try it yourself if you want to know. I mean, you could literally eat plain nasi lemak rice for dinner. And the chicken... ooh, darn tender and crispy. Never better than KFC though :D Another half hour later, when we decided to hit the sack (the truth is return home to see Sunday Prime Movie: Spider man 2), the dragon was still there. Probably it was camping there or something. Who knows?
AND can someone tell me how to change my blogskin? Leave a tag. Cause I'm getting sick of this one, and I have a sick bucket right beside me now.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

The ball disappeared, you gundu

Two weeks ago, on Thursday (time is restricting you know, there isn't time to post!) I went to the Jurong executive course to have a little golf fun. We went on a flight with another man (left-handed), crap, he wasn't as pro as my dad, but the muscles in his right hand was like staring at you and bulging (you use your non-dominant hand to pull the club. Hence, it will become stronger and make you taller too). The course was 242 meters long, and my drive hits 100m tops. So, I did that hole in 9 strokes. Whoopee. In fact, my dad finished the hole way before me, and so did the other guy, so dad told the other guy to go on to the next hole. After many shots of torturous putting, we set off for the next hole. Just then, the stranger came back and told us he made a par. AND he teed off from the professional tee box. Either Mother Luck loves him (I haven't forgiven you , you know) OR he is a pro in disguise. Anyway, the holes over there are super long, I walked about 1.6km that day. LUCKILY, dinner was satisfying and I had some nice drives (hence the title, see :D). I'll be back, Mr. Jurong Executive Course Who Loves To Piss People Off With Their Long Distances

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hi friend, let's PLAY>:D

Yesterday morning (didn't have time to post this yesterday, sry) I had a friendly hockey match with our 'friends' from East View Secondary. I woke up early in the morning, my parents drove to me to Temasek Polytechnic. Singapore really isn't a small place, nor did it have enough sign boards either. I mean, to reach Temasek Poly, I had to exit CTE and enter PIE, but then the **** sign board told us to "KEEP TO THE LEFT TO EXIT TO PIE". Very helpful, if it had not been put smack dot in front of the road split. So, we drove on down the CTE, down to ECP (East Coast something) and out to Marine Parade. There, we got lost for what seemed like eternity (half hour) and consulted our dear companion the street directory who is very helpful in confusing us and boggling our minds like popcorn in an oven. Finally (since Mother Luck was on our side, thanks mother luck for NOT being on our side for the past 30 minutes), we got back to PIE. AND, we got down at Tampines. Of course, that wasn't the brightest idea our dear street directory gave us since Temasek Poly was NEARER Bedok Reservoir which HAD its own exit out of PIE! Therefore, we got lost in Tampines for another eternity (25mins) and eventually found our way to Temasek Poly. Then we saw that the PIE Bedok Reservoir Exit was right smack poop dot ding beside the Poly. Of course you wouldn't want to know what happened to the street directory after that.

Back to the real game, of course, I came late and the match started, so I padded up (put on shin pads for those who don't know) and got on the turf. This was my first time playing forward though (striker). What's bad is that ALL our opponents are girls and our own coach (hooray for life) and I lost four balls to the OUT zone. Yep, I was scared of one... larger-in-size girl that stood in my way all the time. After half-time, I went back to the pitch and told myself (believe me, self-talking helps) that I couldn't lose to some ****girl who is **** than me or I would be **** out so stop ******* around and start ******* play like a ****! So eventually, I pushed the girl around and got the ball which I then passed into the Striking area (the D) which I then lost to ANOTHER girl. Whoopee.

Anyway, we won 3-2 goalkeeper-less and were told that this... larger-in-size girls were Sec 1's who have been playing for only 3 weeks. Great, humiliating news. Wonderful. After the match itself I went to SOMEONE's house to complete my History project. NOPE, it's not done yet, but it's on its way! Oh, and those out there, don't you dare play soccer on the astroturf in school or you're ******* ****! I thank you for your co-operation and hope to see you again. Goodbye!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Tableau Taboo

Not only the Tableau, there are still many outstanding projects left to be completed for me. Half the holidays have gone, and I feel that I am still slacking, somehow. In fact, I just went for an ex-school gathering for the whole day! Nothing to be surprised about - when it comes to holidays, perhaps the workload is more... obsene. In the next few days, I will try to sweep all these work into the completed pile. I just hope that there will be time for playing left during the holidays. (Real Time playing -- PS3)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

LOOK--A flying ball:D

I just went to the Executive Golf course at Seletar this Thursday. Of course, I am a first timer at golfing. Then again, my Primary 3 companions have all played on course several times already. As I tee off at my first shot, I started getting worried. I mean, my shots are rather inconsistent, or rather, haphazard. Some days, the ball flies, other days, it sleeps on the ground. In the end, my score card ended with 28 over par for 9 holes. Well, not bad for a first-timer though! I will be going for my second walk some time next week, so I shall gain more experience at this. Gold if fun!

P.S: That day was a good day, and all my balls flew. Except my chipping and putting didn't work out as well. Took 6 putts to get the ball in the hole. (1, don't think sick. 2, If you don't understand golf, don't bother reading this.)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Noob not to be

This is my second post(and will be counting). The title says that, I am an obvious noober at blogging, but, I will try my best to make this blog more... attractive. I'll leave the (lame) layouts as it is for now, but more will be coming up later:D

Monday, June 2, 2008

The First Step

Well, this IS my first time creating a blog, and this is my first post of my new blog (hooray). I feel that I now take full responsibility of this blog, and of course I will try to post everyday, to keep it as up-to-date as possible. Well, that's all for now. I may not be a very good blogger since this is my maiden attempt, but I will try to learn as much about blogging as possible. :D